Count To Ten...

January Meditation Challenge Day 15: Counting Breaths

We’re already two whole weeks into January, which brings us back to basics – working with the breath. 

Breathwork isn’t right for everyone. If you have any medical conditions which affect your breathing, you’ll need to consult a medical professional before trying this form of meditation. Some people find it too passive and struggle to keep their focus when they’re only working with their breath. 

But if it resonates with you, breathwork is one of the simplest yet most rewarding forms of meditation. 

Today’s technique is very simple – count your breaths! In your mind, count each inhale, going from one to ten. When you reach ten, go back to the beginning and start at one again. Depending on personal preference, you can just count the inhale or you can repeat the number on the exhale – one, one, two, two, etc. You could even count odd numbers with your inhales and even numbers with your exhalations – it’s your meditation so the choice is entirely up to you. 

Give it a try and let me know in the comments or email me with your experiences. 

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