Meditation for the New Year

Start the New Year with our beautiful January Meditation

January gets its name from the Roman God Janus, the gatekeeper of time. He has two faces: one old, looking back at the past, and one young, looking ahead to the future

Mima has written a beautiful New Year meditation designed to support you in starting the New Year with a positive mindset and attitude.

Close your eyes.

Be comfortable and start to work with your breath.

Observe its flow in and out of your body, long and deep and slow.

Observe your tummy rise as you inhale;

And fall as you exhale.

And with each breath, relax a little more.


Visualise that you are looking back over the past year, like Janus, with your older face.

Celebrate all that you have achieved, all the storms you may have weathered.

Look at the year past with compassion:

For yourself;

For others.

With each out-breath release.

Release any emotions that no longer serve you, any feelings that remain from the year past that you no longer need to hold on to

Release any of the residual tension or stress, any tiredness.


Move your awareness through your body.

Your head, neck, shoulders,

Through your back.

Allow your in breath to comfort and soothe your chest and tummy, where anxiety and stress can get stuck.

Move your awareness down through your arms, then your legs until your focus reaches your feet and pause.

Feel the grounding influence of the Earth beneath you.

Feel Her take away anything else that you wish to let go.

Pause for a moment and continue to work with your breath as you feel Her steadying energy.


And now work back up through your body, each in-breath breathing in peace.

Each in breath an opportunity, a new beginning, and a gift.

Look forward as Janus does with his younger face, excited at the possibilities of the coming year.

Up through your legs, your abdomen, through your back, your chest, arms, shoulders and up into your neck and head.

Work with your breath like a wave, each in-breath breathing in the energy of the New Year.

And with each out-breath, breathe out your intentions for the year ahead.

Think positively.

Use words of gain, not of loss.

Think of what you want to achieve.

And use those intentions to fuel your fire of focus.

And thank yourself for all that you are bringing into your life


When you are ready, allow your breath to return to a more natural depth.

Bring some movement into your fingers and toes.

And open your eyes


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