When In Doubt, Breathe It Out

January Meditation Challenge Day 29: Diaphragm breathing

The final breath meditation of the January meditation challenge is Kundalini or diaphragm breathing. (Yes, final breath meditation of the challenge – can you believe how much time’s flown??)

The diaphragm is the most efficient muscle when it comes to breathing. Located at the bottom of your lungs, when you breathe from your diaphragm, you breath deeply and efficiently, yet many of us don’t breathe regularly from the diaphragm, making the breath more shallow and less effective. 

While this type of meditation has been claimed to help those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as with all breathwork meditations, if you suffer from any form of medical condition affecting your breathing, always check with a medical professional before starting a practice. 

The Technique

As with the other forms of breathwork I’ve given you, the method is deceptively simple, but can have deeply profound effects. Sit or lie on your back with one hand on your upper chest and the other on your stomach just below your rib cage. 

Turn your attention to your breath as you inhale slowly through your nose observing how your stomach moves under your hand. Try to keep the hand on your chest as still as possible as you take deep breaths which fill your lungs from your diaphragm rather than taking shallow breaths which just fill your chest. You might find it helpful to visualise the breath going into your stomach, filling it all the way to the front, back and sides. 

Continue this practice for 5-10 minutes then go about your day as normal. 


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